Coming 2 June: don’t miss out on the return of the famous Ippoasi pizza and arrosticini!

On this occasion we’ll fire up our wood oven and delight you with our famous vegan pizza topped with plant-based cheeses kindly offered by Pangea Food  as well as the beloved Seitan arrosticini.

We will also celebrate the return of our friend Marco Verdone, homeopathic vet, who will present the book “Salvati con nome. Carcere e rieducazione nonviolenta: il modello dell’Isola di Gorgona”. We’re happy to also host the co-author Francesco Presti, agronomist.

Schedule of the event:

  • 4pm: guided tour of the sanctuary
  • 6.30pm: Presentation of the book “Salvati con nome”, curated by Marco Verdone and Francesco Presti
  • 6.30pm: Kids entertainment
  • 8pm: Pizza and arrosticini

On the menu: mixed antipasto, pizza margherita and 4 non-formaggio, stuffed farinfrittate, chocolate sponge cake. As usual the Biobar will be in full swing: there will be wine, craft beer, lemonade and fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Price list for the dinner (excluding Seitan roasts and drinks; free water)

  • adults: € 15
  • children 7 to 12 years: € 10
  • children 0 to 6 years: free
  • adults aged 85 and above: free

We’re hosting this “serata” in order to raise funds for all the animals that live at Ippoasi as well as Il Refugio della Bubi. : over 100 individuals equal expenses of about 7000€ each month. We therefore ask for a reasonable donation upon your arrival that will go towards the expenses for the event as well as the project.

Ippoasi survives only thanks to you kind and reasonalbe donations. If you enjoy participating in our events, please support us – so we can organise many more in the future!


Space is limited, book fast. When you book please mention the following:

  • number of adults and children as well as age
  • name and phone number
  • food intolerances

Grazie mille!


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