Easter Monday at Ippoasi

We are excited to present you our next event “Pasquetta ad Ippoasi” –  a wonderful opportunity to spend the day at the sanctuary!

This event is important not only as an opportunity to get together but to raise funds that the volunteers need to keep the project moving forward.

The event will be structured as follows:

  • 10:00 am: guided tour of the sanctuary
  • 12.30 pm: vegan lunch buffet (organic and local)
  • 2.00 pm: presentation of the book “Vegan Revolution”, the last book of our dear artivist friend Alfredo Meschi and Beatrice Di Cesare. Alfredo will be with us for a nice conference!
  • 2.00 pm: kids’ entertainment hosted by Saltimbanco Scuola Cirko of Livorno
  • 3.00 pm: guided tour of the sanctuary

Prices for lunch (drinks not included, water for free!):

  • adults: € 15
  • children from 0 to 6 years: free
  • children from 7 to 12 years: € 8
  • Adults aged 85 and above: free

In order to support the sanctuary and to contribute to the realisation of the event, we would like to ask you for an appropriate donation in addition to the lunch contribution. All proceeds will go towards the rescued animals living at Ippoasi!


Space is limited and booking is required. Call +393897629476 or use the contact form below. When signing up, please give us the following information:

  • number of adults and children plus age
  • name and telephone number
  • dietary allergies
  • preferred time for the guided tour

Grazie mille!

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